Let’s dive into a little story about how I ended up on this exhilarating journey of coaching, and…
You see, I wasn’t always the confident, successful professional you might see today.
In fact, there was a time when I was right where many of you are now—at the beginning of my career, struggling to make my mark, and feeling like my efforts weren’t getting the recognition they deserved.
Let me take you back to those early days in Information Technology, where I had taken up a task that would teach me a lesson I’d never forget.
Quality assurance was my role, a high-risk profile that demanded precision and attention to detail. Any mistake could spell disaster for the organization I worked for.
I approached my work with the intention of pleasing my line manager and the organization.
I thought I had it all figured out, that my way was the right way.
I didn’t see the need to consider the perspectives of my team members; after all, I thought my point of view was enough.
But here’s where things took a turn for the worse. My decision to go it alone was the beginning of my undoing.
The results were disastrous—errors, missed deadlines, and a disappointed line manager. I felt my competence questioned, and it stung.
I share this not to dwell on the past but to emphasize a critical point—the marketplace is not a place for sentiment or making friends.
It’s a place where results matter, where organizations demand excellence before individuality. That painful lesson was my wakeup call.
As I continued in my career, I realized that there were areas where I needed to improve, where I needed to improve my performance.
It was this journey of self-discovery and learning that eventually led me to understand the true meaning of Performance.
Since then, everything in my career started falling into place. Promotions, recognition, and success became a regular part of my journey.
And now, I’ve created this book to help thousands of employees like you unlock the secrets of Performance.
It’s my way of giving back, of sharing the principles that transformed my career.
And that what led to the creation of Performance.
To help you elevate your performance level at the workplace and also become a high-quality employee that companies will fight to have.
The amazing thing about all the skills you’ll be developing from this book is that you can’t hide them.
Your colleagues, your senior executives and even interviews will be able to see the difference.
For several years as a Career-success Performance Coach,
I have tested the same principles in this book and…
I can boldly say these principles are replicable in any organization and by anyone.
And so…
I turned all this information into a book.
Especially for those young and new career men and women who may not be able to afford my career coaching sessions.
This is the next best thing you can get…